Kill – Killing Processes and the top Command

Sooner or later you will want to kill a process, whether it be some code executed in the background that is taking too long or simply a program that is misbehaving.

If the code has been executed by the user in the background, then one can use the jobs command with the kill command:

michael@michael-laptop:~$ jobs
[1]+  Running                 ./test &
michael@michael-laptop:~$ kill -9 %1
[1]+  Killed                  ./test

The second term specifies which signal to send, as specified in . As an exemplary aside, CTRL + C sends the SIGINT interrupt signal to the program and CTRL + Z sends the SIGSTOP pause signal. The -9 sends the SIGKILL signal, which is slightly more forceful than the default SIGTERM which is obtained by -15 or omitting this field. SIGKILL forces the program to end immediately whereas SIGTERM can be intercepted or ignored by the program. The latter is the gentler approach as it can allow the program to clean itself up before finishing. ?using the latter would have produced this line of code [1]+ Terminated ./test as opposed to Killed

top command

Alternatively, you can use the top command to display processes in order of CPU demand. N.B. It is called “top” because only the top most demanding processes are shown.

top - 12:26:34 up 23 days, 12:39,  2 users,  load average: 8.00, 8.01, 8.05
Tasks: 152 total,  10 running, 142 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 64.4%us,  0.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 35.4%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  0.0%st
Mem:  24732896k total, 24581112k used,   151784k free,   531980k buffers
Swap:  3999676k total,     9080k used,  3990596k free, 21636732k cached

  PID  USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND            
 2447  laemmel   20   0  122m 111m  972 R  100  0.5   9880:20 BD-concn-semifl    
 2486  lindon    20   0 58676  40m 1492 R  100  0.2   9875:24 hing                
 4053  laemmel   20   0  122m 111m  972 R  100  0.5   9672:33 BD-concn-semifl    
 7782  sturm     20   0 19496 7100 1220 R  100  0.0   1520:41 tfpulling          
 20031 sturm     20   0 23384  10m 1220 R  100  0.0   5330:51 tfpulling          
 26339 sturm     20   0 22616  10m 1220 R  100  0.0   4374:08 tfpulling          
 30841 glaser    20   0 44.5g 473m 344m R  100  2.0  10974:30 hoomd              
 1093  sturm     20   0 58764  45m 1184 R  100  0.2  10176:04 tfpulling          

Within top, you can press k (for kill) and then enter the PID (process ID) of the process you would like to kill. To exit top, press q. If you know the PID, which you can get from top, you can use the kill command in a regular terminal by entering kill -9 PID