Partial Application for Functions in Julia

Julia is purportedly a multi-paradigm language but I find their support for functional paradigms to be lacking. One feature that I looked for was Currying or Partial Application which corresponds to converting a function of multiple arguments into a sequence of single argument functions and taking a multiple argument function and fixing some of the arguments to produce a new function of lesser arity respectively. In Clojure one has the partial function for the latter. Here is my attempt to emulate this behaviour in Julia.

Partial Application

function partial(f,a...)
        ( (b...) -> f(a...,b...) )

The function returns a lambda where the a… parameters are fixed. If you don’t know what the ellipsis do, check the documentation for “splat”. One can check the behavour is as expected

julia> function testf(x,y,z)
testf (generic function with 1 method)
julia> testf(2,3,4)
julia> partial(testf,2)(3,4)
julia> partial(testf,2,3)(4)

Of course you could just use a lambda.